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 With(out) fonts: How to use one report with & without fonts

 If you want to use the same report to print to a dot matrix printer using
 only condensed and to a laser printer using a font file, do the following:

 1. Attach the font file to the report and apply the fonts

 2. Remove the font file
    (R&R will still remember the font numbers associated with each field)

 3. Use /Print Option Page Margins Pitch and choose compressed

 4. Save the report

 In your runtime control file you can then re-attach the font file when you
 are printing to the laserprinter by using the RI_FONTFILE field in your
 runtime control file. For printing to the matrix printer, leave this field

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson